Developing the leaders of the future. |
Library Information Procedures: Our school library offers students, staff, parents and the community an area for study, book selection, and research. Students with Acceptable Use Internet Policy parent permission forms on file may access information online in the school library. The RCSD/RRLC provide a variety of databases to all school libraries. When we are unable to provide resources from our library collection, we can request items from other schools through Interlibrary Loan. Simply complete the forms at the circulation desk. Teachers schedule class visits, assign small groups or send individual students to the library with a student planner pass during class time. A pass may be obtained from a homebase/classroom teacher for individual periods. Students will not be admitted without a pass. Students are not allowed to eat or drink in the library. Circulation: Students may borrow library materials from the library with their RCSD Student ID. Printed materials circulate for fifteen (15) school days. Videos, periodicals, and reserve items circulate overnight. Students are encouraged to return books on time to avoid overdue notices. Notices are sent to homebase, and then they are mailed home. When students lose or damage library materials, they are expected to pay for a replacement item.
Hours: The library is open during homebase and after school each day. Students are required to sign-in at the front desk, and show their student planner pass to library staff.
We have reasonable Library Rules and Procedures that are discussed, posted, and updated periodically. Students are asked to be Responsible Learners:
Students who are unwilling to follow library procedures may be restricted from the library for a period of time. Homebase teachers. House Administrators, and parents will be contacted as needed.
Freshmen students receive Library Orientation during the first semester. All students receive ongoing research/information skill development through librarian/teacher collaboration in most subject areas. We suggest all students have a RPL (Rochester Public Library) library card. We encourage "Lifelong Learning."