Developing the leaders of the future. |
The following chart shows the possible paths through the science courses offered at Wilson. The standard Regents path is Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. These are only suggested sequences. Each student may choose a course of study based on his or her ability. The student may also take one or more ½ year electives, depending on their schedule, in Photo-optics, Electronics, Lab Technology, Lab Assistant, Robotics and Independent Science study. Additional electives are being developed.
8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade Modified Regents Regents Regents Regents Regents Biology Earth Science Chemistry Physics Regents Regents Regents Regents Science Biology Earth Science Chemistry Physics MAP/Honors Regents Regents Regents Regents Advanced Any Grade Biology Earth Science Chemistry Physics Placement Level
Biology – Regents Grade Level: 9 Study of the maintenance of life in plants and animals, including reproduction, development, genetics, ecology and theories of evolution. Thirty labs required. Regents examination. 1 credit.
Earth Science – Regents Grade Level: 10 Study of energy, geology, weather and astronomy. Thirty labs required. Regents examination. 1 credit.
General Chemistry – Local Grade Level: 10-11 Study of matter including the preparation and separation of organic and inorganic compounds, chemistry in the home, chemistry of water and air pollution. Twenty labs required. Local examination. 1 credit.
Chemistry – Regents Grade Level: 10-11 Study principles relating to Matter and Energy, Atomic Structure, Bonding, Periodical Table, Principles of Reactions, Acid-Base Theory, Organic Chemistry, and Mathematics of Chemistry. Thirty labs required. 1 credit.
General Physics – Local Grade Level: 11-12 Study of mechanics, waves, and electricity with the following optional areas: heat, sound, nuclear physics, semi-conductions, and space system. Twenty labs required. 1 credit. Physics – Regents Grade Level: 11-12 Advanced study in mechanics, heat, light, sound, electricity and electrical theory, and nuclear energy. Thirty labs required. Regents examination. 1 credit.
AP Biology – College Level Grade Level: 11-12 College level study of modern biology. Lab work is stressed. Advanced Placement examination. 1 credit.
AP Chemistry – College Level Grade Level: 11-12 College level study of modern chemistry. Lab work is stressed. Advanced Placement examination. 1 credit.
AP Physics – College Level Grade Level: 11-12 College level study of modern physics. Lab work is stressed. Advanced Placement examination. 1 credit.
Science/Independent Study – Regents, Honors Grade Level: 9-12 An opportunity for the highly motivated student to develop individual programs of study in the science area of their interest. This course will involve individual research. 1 credit.
Photo-Optics Grade Level: 9-12 The study of optics and photography, including the study of lenses, picture taking, film developing, printmaking and the nature of light. Lab work is stressed ending with a school examination. 1 credit.
Marine Biology This course will introduce students to the basic concepts of marine biology and will provide field experience with the application of these concepts as they relate to organisms and ecosystems. At the conclusion of the course, students will be invited to participate in a field trip at a marine biology field station on Salvador or Andros Islands of the Bahamas.
Astronomy & Space Science This course deals with assorted topics including: birth/death of a universe, solar systems and stellar objects, amateur astronomy, space exploration, and colonization and possible life elsewhere in the universe. School examination. 5 credits
Research Course This research course will give students the opportunity to learn techniques that are current and diverse and to participate in an on-going research project. This project is a multi-year endeavor that will be different from most high school research courses. Set goals are developed at the beginning of the year and each student will have the option of choosing one aspect of the project that is of interest to him or her. Each participant, although working independently, is a key part of a team, headed by a chief researcher.
Principles of Engineering This course is an integrative, hands-on laboratory-based set of case studies, which will convey the concepts and principles, skills, techniques, and attitudes as illustrated by engineering concepts developed through modeling, systems, optimization, technology, society, interaction, design and ethics.